The Memorial Day weekend along Maine’s Midcoast was a mix of fog and sun, but like everyone else, my family and I took advantage of the holiday and enjoyed as much relaxing downtime as possible. Here …
A Persistent Misty Mantle
The month of May began taking shape in such splendid form, graciously hosting spring’s profuse passion for green at every turn. Coastal landscapes had come alive with color – their vitality restored …
Exquisite Beauty Aglow
There are those occasions when a scene is so captivating that it seems best admired by saying nothing. Such is the case with the beauty of a Fresnel lens aglow. While at Maine’s Owls Head …
Brush Strokes of Spring in Full Swing
When spring first walked guardedly through the door in the annual change of seasons, activity along Maine’s harbors was barely detectable. A keen eye noticed subtle preparations designed to ready …
Coastal Flavor of Way Downeast
With the calendar pointing to May 1st and the sun coaxing temperatures to climb near 60 degrees, the beckoning outdoors was just too alluring to pass up. Where to go however was the million dollar …
Storm Warning Inspires a Look Back at the Patriots Day Gale Four Years Ago
The National Weather Service has issued a storm warning along the Maine coast for April 16, 2011 (and into the 17th) as a strong southeast flow bears down on the area late Saturday evening. The low …