Over time, I have watched with great interest how color and light interact with each other during the day’s grand moments of sunrise and sunset. Though the sun obviously assumes center stage on the …
Another Day, Another Winter Storm
The calendar keeps marching toward spring and hints of a thaw have been felt in the air, but the gap of days in between still seems poised to deliver more of a mixed bag of winter weather until the …
Hiding Under a Heavy Blanket of Snow
During the first part of February, I happened to visit Pemaquid Point Lighthouse at the beginning of yet another snowstorm. My goal was to linger for a little while in hopes of experiencing a slice …
Symbol of Valentine’s Day with a Nautical Flare
Ann-Marie and I would like to wish everyone a very happy Valentine’s Day as we all celebrate this day and show love and appreciation for those special “lights” in our lives. When we think of …
Coastal Maine Winter Potpourri
The winter months of December 2010 and January 2011 have come and gone with their fair share of cold, snow and frosty scenes along coastal Maine. Many wintertime images have already been depicted in …
A Tale of Two Ice Fields on the Kennebec River
Winter 2011 has held the Maine coast in a frigid, tight grip, and in the process, buried any hopes for an early thaw under a heavy blanket of snow that grows deeper by the week. Along rivers, lakes …