Brush Strokes of Spring in Full Swing

When spring first walked guardedly through the door in the annual change of seasons, activity along Maine’s harbors was barely detectable.
A keen eye noticed subtle preparations designed to ready wharves, floating docks and moorings, but the majestic sailing schooners were still under wraps and the annual armada of pleasure craft had yet to arrive on the flood tide of seasonal temperatures.
No more!
With the arrival of mid-May and the promise it delivers with blooms of color, so too has it inspired the heartbeat of Maine harbors to race with vigor along waterfronts such as Rockport and Camden.
The great decks of the schooners have reemerged in all their glory, while an increasing number of water craft are being tethered to a minefield of moorings awaiting the cyclical return of the boating season.
But just as the brush strokes of spring brings delightful splashes of bright greens about the landscape, accented here and there by the royal colors of the tulips and daffodils, so too do the sailors and mariners apply fresh coats of paint to their proud vessels and craft.
Sturdy hulls are being sanded and prepped by many a hand, while others swing brushes dripping in vibrant tones that will yield a renewed beauty and pride to their vessel. Decks are being made ship-shape, and at higher levels, masts are being readied to receive their sails.
Observing all the hustle and bustle at water’s edge was invigorating to the soul, for a harbor’s liveliness means that the joys of summer are once again visible on the sparkling horizon of the brine, and with it, the dreams of many will abound.
Soon enough Maine’s snug harbors will be busy, filled with the familiar sounds of humming engines and human voices immersed in a sea of contentment. Regal sails will be unfurled to capture alluring breezes and the vessels they power will glide effortlessly by in sheer elegance.
Yes – all soon enough – and I can hardly wait!
Enjoyed your spring awakening. Looks like your harbors have come back to life.
What a wonderful surprise on rainy, lazy, Sunday afternoon. Candy for the eyes. Thank you, thank you.
What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Maine is the sun…
A different ‘approach’ to the awkaenings of Spring. Delightful photos!
Anne-Marie, your Stepping Stones to Spring was beautiful. Thank you both!
Al Smith
Gorgeous awakening rendering of the season.
Spring always returns! Thank you for capturing !
Bob, your words reveal how much you cherish this season as much as I do and I’m sure, many, many more of us, especially what with the memory of this past winter still with us. I personally have got the aches and pains from removing the mess that Mother left behind. Thanks, Bob.
These are absolutely fantastic beautiful photos …really enjoyable to see…and enjoy….
Nice pictures Bob but you should see my SPRING IN FLORIDA. Come on down..NORM