Canvas of Color
Note: The images for this feature appear at the bottom in sequential order as the sunset changed.
All sunsets possess a touch of grandeur that radiates beauty across the sky, but when sundown melts with twilight and color knows no restraint, the results are as stirring as they are spectacular.
Such was the case with a recent November 2010 sunset, though one would have been hard pressed to predict an artistic canvas in the sky as the sun made its evening descent on this particular evening.
I recall peering skyward and debating whether to endure a northeast wind that was whipping across Penobscot Bay, for the sun’s dying embers of radiance were doing little to counter a wind chill in the mid-30s.
Convincing myself that I would only have to contend with the uncomfortable chill for a few minutes, I decided to “pull up a chair” so to speak and watch for the curtain to lift on what I hoped was a nightly show of color.
As the sun slipped behind the cloud bank that was taking up residence in the western sky, it continued to shine through just enough to know where its location was on the horizon, but rather than a brilliant disc showing, the sun’s appearance was more like beautifully distorted streaks of yellow.
With my back to a northeast wind blowing at a sustained clip of 30 knots, I labored to steady the camera and stay warm at the same time as I tried to capture the developing scene in the sky.
Once the sun set, there was an array of pastels to be admired but it seemed the “show,” which was nice if not dazzling, had ended. The combination of being cold and thinking how great a warm car would feel prompted me to put away my camera and head for more comfortable surroundings.
Just then something seemed different all around me. I looked westward and then skyward – when suddenly, the atmosphere grew noticeably brighter. I don’t ever recall an evening sky increasing its brightness quite like this once light had faded, but on this occasion, that’s exactly what happened.
The color orange was suddenly dashed across the sky and light momentarily chased away the advances of night. Minutes later, pinks would transform both the firmament and the seascape. It was all so amazing to observe – and yet so fleeting.
Afterwards, I thought to myself it was as if God was painting a picture with one color, before deciding at a moment’s notice to change colors and splash them about on His canvas of sea and sky. In the end, it was a sunset I will not soon forget.

Beautiful job, Bob. You are a lucky man to live where the air is so clear that the colors come through so vividly. And you are a very good photographer. It’s amazing how expanding the view ‘dampens’ the effect of the sunset.
Ahhhh! Just stunning! Thank you Bob!
Incredible photos Bob! Thanks for sharing the beauty that you see through the lens of your camera.
Amazing how quick the sky can change at sunset or sunrise.
Great pictures.
Great sequence of a sunset! I hope someday you can come down to Naples, Florida and take some sunsets here!
I watched this same sunset from Islesboro and it was a “10” on my scale of rating these incredible November sunsets.Your photography is so very good—we will need to look at these again in our dark dreary days of winter.
God sure did want you to stick around to capture the scenes of this magnificent sunset! Thanks for sharing.
Awesome sunset shots !
Great pictures Bob. You can almost feel the cold chill in the air with the way that the pictures were taken. The tree is bare of leaves and the you can see the ripples of a strong wind in the water which make you feel the moment of these pictures.
Bob, the pictures are fantastic, bet they warmed you up just watching the progression.
Well done and thanks for sharing.
Bob, These pictures are absolutely beautiful. Reminds me of an evening I spent on Block Island watching the sun go down. There is always something majestic and surreal about a beautiful sunset. Good job!
Breathtakeingly DONE!!!!
What a patient man to stand out in the cold and capture a modt beautiful sunset. I so enjoyed the photos. Thanks Bob Marla
Bob these are absolutely beautiful. I thought Florida had beautiful sunsets but this beats them all. Thanks for sharing.
What an incredible transition of color! A photographers dream and you have captured it! This change of color in one instance I would say is a rarity. Thanks for sharing!
These are such a joy to view. I am so glad that you Trapanis landed where you did!
WOW! Incredible pictures!!