Coastal Flavor of Way Downeast
With the calendar pointing to May 1st and the sun coaxing temperatures to climb near 60 degrees, the beckoning outdoors was just too alluring to pass up.
Where to go however was the million dollar question on such a delightful spring day.
Options abounded, but in the end, the family and I decided to meander along Downeast and search out a few back-road treasures whose glimmer is often overlooked by the seasonal traveler.
Although well-known coastal destinations like Bar Harbor are understandably popular, it was our intention on this day to try and enjoy some tucked-away places that uniquely meld solitude and beauty into a natural bliss.
As we have come to learn, such contentment is invariably found down winding roads still aching from winter’s frost heaves, and whose identity can sometimes only be determined by the guesswork of a map sleuth. Yet in the end, a determined pursuit always reaps an equally satisfying reward along coastal Maine.
Not surprisingly, this was the case for our family on this grand first of May.
From the quintessential fishing villages of Corea and Beals Island to the easternmost town in the country – Lubec, Maine, our journey was filled with the traditions and colors of the coast – even if spring’s greens were lagging behind joining in on the parade of hues that accented the seascape.
The punctuation mark for this Bold Coast experience was a visit to the candy-caned striped sentinel that charmingly presides over West Quoddy Head along the International Quoddy Loop.
On this day, there was a distant haze but no fog, which was a treat indeed.
Without a misty shroud to contend with, the breathtaking expanse of the Grand Manan Channel of the Bay of Fundy was in full view and begging to be admired.
We will look forward to return trips to Downeast Maine later this spring and summer as the lupines begin to bloom, but we also know that we will not come by again anytime soon the peaceful quietness that joined hands with the unsurpassed natural beauty on this sun-kissed gift of a day.
West Quoddy and the area around the lighthouse is my favorite area. I have been there twice and enjoyed it both times. I will not be able to go there again so I am grateful for your photos to remind me of that beautiful area. Thank you.
Oh the fond memories of downeast. Being born in Eastport I know Lubec well. If you have a Passport, on the next trip go to Campobello very scenic island.
Thanks for the trip home Bob & Ann
I spent ten days in Lubec last summer and loved it. I’ll be going again in June with a visitng friend from AZ. I’ll pass your photos and story along to her. Thank you! Wonderful photos!
Just love the comments and photos! Clay and Nancy
Nice picture! I really like the light house we will have to go up to that one someday!
A very nice verbal and pictorial visit to some of my favorite places. We have camped at Lubec years ago and have visited twice with bus tours for both NJLHS & CC-USLHS as well as on our own. Such a nice town with some vry nice people.
Thanks Bob & Ann
Thanks for sharing, it sure looks like Spring may be arriving. Skip
Happy Mother’s Day Ann-Marie! I hope you enjoyed your special day. Thanks again to both of you for the wonderful narrative and fabulous pictures of the Maine coast.
Cap’n Dave
Great photos as usual!! Keep on taking your great photos – Bob and Ann Marie. Nice to see you recently Bob and thanks for the Lighthouse story and photos. Ernie D.
Way to go Bob, nice pictures of new England. Norm
My family orginally came from Hancock. My greatgrandfather was a keeper at Whitehead for 15yrs then was transfered to St Croix Light and then to Whitlock Mills where he retired. Serving 30 plus years. The love of Maine runs nothing but salt in my veins. Thanks for another tour of my favorite place in the whole world.
Hi Bob and Ann.We enjoyed the look back at Lubec and the lights on Campobello Island.WE really enjoyed our trip with the folks from N.E.L.L.
August of 2008 .It was the lights across the border challenge.A weekend we won’t soon forget.Thanks.
Hi Bob and Ann,
Thanks again for the great images and feel of Downeast Maine! I would love to get up to West Quoddy at some time.
Hi Bob & Ann-Marie,
Great photos! Many thank for all the great pics and stories you sent us.
Warm regards, Jim Bazzoli
Can’t wait to send this one along to some friend away as well as some right here at home. I’ve been to most of these places and to think they are only a few hours away. I’ve spent alot of time vacationing at Robinson’s Cottages in Dennysville and then day tripped, usually with grandchildren. Thanks for reminding me that I’ve missed these sites and need to return. Maybe with the same, (now adult) grandchildren!