Hiding Under a Heavy Blanket of Snow

During the first part of February, I happened to visit Pemaquid Point Lighthouse at the beginning of yet another snowstorm.
My goal was to linger for a little while in hopes of experiencing a slice of wintertime solitude before logic, and an ever-thickening white blanket, dictated otherwise.
This snowstorm was not nearly as fierce as others this winter, but that didn’t stop swirling winds, laced with a bitter bite, from dashing snowflakes across the seascape in chaotic fashion. The scene was reminiscent of a child’s snow globe, except there was no need for the beholder to do the shaking – for the storm was doing just fine on its own.
As I observed the wintry landscape, it quickly became apparent that more than the falling snow and touches of white accumulating about Pemaquid Point Light Station, it was how different the area where ledge meets sea looked on this day that made the biggest impression upon me.
New England lighthouse historian Jeremy D’Entremont has noted that “Pemaquid Point, with its dramatic streaks of granite reaching to the sea, shaped by massive movements thousands of years ago, would be a fascinating place to visit even without its pretty white lighthouse. The spot is one of the most frequently visited attractions of the Maine coast, receiving about 100,000 visitors each year.”
Jeremy is point-on with his comments about this amazing place, yet on this February day, many visitors to Pemaquid Point would have been hard pressed to recognize the location’s deep-cut rock formations, for its appearance was temporarily altered by winter’s icy grip.
A series of snowstorms during December and January had filled in these streak-like veins, disguising their aged beauty and making it impossible to safely traverse their uneven surfaces.
With the latest storm only adding to the snow blanket’s shrouded depths atop the ledge’s rocky crown; I decided it best to admire the fascinating scene from the light station grounds above.
After gazing seaward for a bit, though low visibility caused by the storm was hardly affording glimpses of any great distances, I eventually made a complete circle of the light station and headed for the warmth of my vehicle.
Before stepping into my warm refuge, I took one last glance around the frozen landscape that culminated with a view of the tower’s lofty pinnacle.
I was somewhat shocked that the gorgeous Fresnel lens inside the lantern of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse was missing its guiding glow under such conditions. As it was, automation technology had not yet activated the light despite the presence of the storm’s darkened mood, which prompted me to think, “if only the keepers of old were still on watch, this light would have been beaming bright in the snowstorm.”
Driving away, I softened my thoughts and took comfort in the fact that Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, regardless of the limitations of automation, is always symbolically shining bright in the hearts of the many people who admire this beacon for the emotional beams it stirs in their lives. May it always be so!
Love the winter time pictures. So peacefull. Thanks.
You are so good at capturing the beauty of our part of the coast. Thanks for sharing these photos.
Great photography, Bob. The coast is beutiful in winter
All I can say is, Wow! And, thanks for your dedication.
I love your photos and the article. They are fantastic! You know hoe to capture the winter beauty of Maine!
Good Morning Bob,
Enjoyed once again the beauty of a snow covered lighthouse and ocean scene so well expressed by you with a series of vivid pictures too.Being a snow lover it is comforting to view and read about your area of the New England coast. Although we still have a blanket of snow/ice on the ground here in Rhode Island,for the last couple of weeks and again this coming weekend we are in the rain side of winter storms. Thanks for keeping snow scenes for my morning coffee.
Nice article giving us a wonderful glimpse of Pemaquid in winter!
Absolutely beautiful. I’ve never been to Pemaquid Point Lighthouse in the winter – snow covered she’s stunning. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful pictures.
Truly lovely! We are so glad that your website, along with the Pemaquid Point webcam, keeps us in touch with the coast of Maine.
Beautiful. Silence is golden.
As always, great shots from Bob.
The winter snow really gives the Pemaquid Point lighthouse a quiet and peaceful appearance!
Again your pictures Bob give the viewer and good perspective of the lighthouse and its location. I especially like the one taken from a distance along the rocky coast line some distance from the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse. Great job and thanks for sharing the picutres!
Thanks for giving us an ‘alternate’ view of Pemaquid. Most of us only see the ‘summer version’ but the winter version seems even more beautiful
Al Smith
ASSUME Nice Winter get away.Just for a couple days.HA Thanks,FOR SHARING. NORMAN POINDEXTER
I can hardly imagine what life was like for a lighthouse family