Supermoon Ushers in the Start of Spring
In the tradition of changing seasons, winter officially passed its torch to spring on March 20, 2011. Such a transition is usually met with a singular focus of joy, but instead found itself somewhat of an afterthought.
On the last day of winter, the public was preoccupied with the highly anticipated rise of a supermoon on March 19th.
With the last supermoon occurring nearly twenty years ago, and the wide range of diversified opinions that are tagged to such an event by astronomers and scientists, it was difficult not to become fixated on the phenomena.
I decided that the Rockland Breakwater provided the best front row seat to witness the celebrity moon take center stage over the island of Vinalhaven on the eastern horizon, and therefore staked out a suitable spot along the granite wall in advance of the event.
Having arrived at the breakwater before sunset, my family and I observed winter’s last sun dip below the skyline with a feeling of melancholy.
Sure the winter was long and cold, and the Maine coast tolerated a solid snow-pack for nearly three successive months, but the season had also rendered its usual icy wonderment too – works of crystallized art that we had enjoyed to the fullest.
The March 19th setting sun was closing the book – at least calendar-wise, on winter, but something told me that its frigid fingerprints may not be erased for good just yet, for as we know, this is Maine!
Such a thought, whether pleasant or despised, would have to wait for some other time to be pondered further. After the sun disappeared at 6:46 pm, everyone on the breakwater turned their back on winter’s goodbye and gazed eastward in anticipation of the supermoon’s emergence.
Around 7:10 pm, the yellow glow of the moon finally peeked over Vinalhaven Island, and moments later, was rising with grandeur ever-higher in the night sky.
To be honest, I wasn’t sure I could sense the larger appearance of the moon given its closeness to earth. It seemed to me that I’ve seen other moons of similar sizes, but given its supermoon status and the hype associated with its arrival, I decided to enjoy the moment for what it was – a relative rare event that adds a certain spice to everyday life.
After taking a bunch of photos and having savored the moon’s brilliance shimmering across West Penobscot Bay for more than a few minutes, I turned to leave with the thought of rising early for sunrise the next morning.
If I bid winter adieu with the evening’s sunset, I felt it only appropriate to greet spring at sunrise.
Despite having second thoughts by Sunday morning – for extra sleep would have been great, I ventured out at first light and headed for Camden Harbor to witness the majesty of dawn.
Before identifying a good spot along the harbor to watch the sun douse the first day of spring with its radiance, my family and I made a quick stop at an overlook across from Curtis Island for a glimpse of the light station awash in a deep orange.
As we stood at water’s edge admiring the lighthouse and seascape, it dawned on me that though it was March 20th and the calendar noted that it was now spring, I could only chuckle at the thought that someone forgot to tell winter.
The air temperature was hovering around 14 degrees and the wind chill was even less hospitable, so with no warmth to be had, I tried thinking of warmer thoughts instead as we waited on sunrise. As one might imagine, the warmer thoughts didn’t work – I was still cold!
By 6:41 am on the 20th the sun rose in splendor over the islands of Midcoast Maine and ushered in a new season that brings with it a renewed promise of green and blossoms at every turn, but such rejuvenation will have to wait a little longer to take hold.
Of all things, the latest weather forecasts for the first week of spring are foretelling a couple days of measurable snow in the offing. Yes – snow…and just when I thought I had bid winter a final farewell. But again, this is Maine!
Happy spring anyway! 🙂
Wow!! Who knew one could capture the supermoonrise?! YOU obviously! FABULOUS!!
A Lunar Delight captured.
Absolutely stunning! Thank you.
The Super Moon can be seen in the sky on a clear night once every 20 to 25 years!
I saw the super moon as it came up in the night sky in Naples, Florida last night! It was huge!
Your picture captured it just as I remember it but 1,950 miles from your location!
During the next Super Moon I will be 88 years old!
Great Pictures as Usual!
I knew it! I KNEW you would take advantage of this perigee moon! As ever, Marie-Ann’s and your images are captured beautifully. Thank you.
I feel fury that we in San Diego cannot access our Old Point Loma Lighthouse after 5 pm! Cabrillo National Monument, which undertakes its care, must close nightly at 5 because it’s in the Navy’s compound. The most glorious spot in the state and it’s inaccessible at night!!!!!!
Our sky was clouded last night anyway in anticipation of the heavy “Maine” rain we’re getting as i type this. No moon visible tonight either!
It might be interesting, weather permitting to photograph sunrise over Northeast Point on the first day of Fall from the same position of Anne’s first day of Spring photo. Being a full moon at perigee it might appear to be about 14% larger than full moon when most distant at apogee but with no reference for comparison this might be hard to discern. Possibly more apparent is the moon is about 30% brighter than a full moon at apogee. The next full moon close to apogee is on Oct. 12 with an opportunity to repeat the moon rise photo for comparison.
You guys are amazing – I saw it from Lincolnville Beach – so glad to have these photos from the area. Thanks
Beautiful as usual!! Keep up your good work. Ernie D.
Bob & Ann,
Yes , the super moon was a wonderful sight to see.Saw it come up over Bullock’s Cove here in Riverside. Took some pictures ,but not to the quality of yours.Enjoyed your comments about this event.
I’m so glad you took your kids out to see this! Thankfully, we had a rare clear night in the PacNW and were able to see it. This time of year is usually cloudy and drizzly. Check an almanac for the next lunar apogee night and photograph that. You’ll see a big difference in apparent size between perigee and apogee. The sky is a free playground for all. It’s too bad so many people don’t take advantage of that.
Beautiful, wish I could have seen it.
Great shot. The windmills give a great comparison as to how big the moon was. Don’t we live in a wonderful world? Thanks for sharing.
I knew I could look forward to seeing these great photos from you two. Thanks.
Bob and Ann,
Wonderful capture! The images
and words express it all! I look forward to more!
Great shots
Great photos and a great article!
I knew that this was going to occur. I put the camera on a tripod, set the camera for night and waited. I was so disappointed, the clouds did not clear and the weather service said that they would. I live in Buffalo, NY. We have so many cloudy days. OH, well….
WOW what a moon shot. Thanks for sharing these glorious photos.
It is always a pleasure to receive your posts and share the moments you so eloquently capture. Very enjoyable!! Thank you both.